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2020 Is Here!

At the beginning of a new year, there is usually so much anticipation. We expect new things, good things. We anticipate that the year has packaged gifts ready for us and we are just itching to open those boxes to see what we got! It is an exhilarating experience, especially as we move away from a particularly difficult year. It is my prayer that our expectations will not be cut short, but that we will experience and testify the goodness of God in this year 2020.


Jesus, You love me too much!

Even when we see some discouragement, we will not relent, reminding ourselves that we are not in this alone. His hands carry us, His ears are open to our call. He will answer us, teaching our hands to war and our fingers to fight. The truth is that even before we began, we have overcome! He won the victory for us already. We just have to enforce the victory in His name. 

Happy New Year 2019!

Many emotions run through the survivors’ minds in the early days of a new year. The most common is the excitement and joy of crossing over. The exuberant cries of ‘Happy New Year’ everywhere you go, whether they are known persons or strangers. The joy is worth sharing with everyone who would care to listen. I made it! We made it!