Ready For A Marathon?
We started this decade in 2020, with high hopes and many words of encouragement. A new decade was upon us. There was no reason to even imagine that it would be anything but good. Alas! Few months into the first year, we began to battle a formidable foe in the coronavirus pandemic. Many months and many deaths and displacements later, we are still confronted with this foe. Like one pastor said, the coronavirus is judged already. Yes, it is taking time to leave but in God’s record, it is already history. We should start focusing on life beyond the virus and move on to the glorious things that God has in store for us.
I agree that it is time to move on, but we must be properly equipped for the journey ahead. This is not a journey for the fainthearted. We must focus on the Good Shepherd who knows the way and the destination. Why? We have not travelled this way before. The terrain is strange to us and we do not have a map to follow. But, we have the Way with us. He is ready and willing to guide us. His thoughts towards us are good and He has good plans for us.
What other time do we need His guidance more than when the whole world seems to be confused and uncertain, unsure of what is best to do. We need not fear or be confused. The One Who knows the end from the beginning is here for us. He will guide us through. It is a marathon and not a sprint. So, we must not lose stamina or our breath. We must gear up for the journey ahead, and have a long view of things. This decade might turn out to be a marathon. God is in it but it may not turn out the way we want or expect. He is the Sovereign Lord and He is still on the throne. He will have His way in the whirlwind and the storm. And we trust in Him to see us through it all. Underneath are His everlasting arms.
It is comforting to know that He is our Shepherd, the One Who gives His life for the sheep. We will not fear that we will be without help. He never sleeps nor slumbers in keeping us. His eyes are ever watching over us. Our Protector, Provider, Preserver. Our Strength and Shield, the lifter of our heads. This is the time to run to Him, to hide under the shadow of His wings. This is the time to surrender to His care. For we have no knowledge of what is ahead but we know Who has the whole world in His hands. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. His arms are wide open, calling us to Himself in surrender, in prayer and in active participation in His will and in His doings in our world.
Are you worried? Are you lost? Are you confused? Are you fearful? Locate yourself in God today. Find in Him the peace that you crave and need for now and for always. Ask and you will be given. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened to you. Make a decision for God today and gear up, it is a marathon!