We’ve Come This Far!
It’s July, folks! Can you believe it? We survived the first half! This year 2020 is certainly unique and will be remembered. When we started this year, there was no indication that something as huge as the pandemic was waiting around the corner. Fast forward a few months and here we are, at the end of June.
For me, the year started with much promise and I was very expectant. I had specific words of God I was holding on to, and I waiting on His promise, to see the way those words would be manifested. However, with the onset of the pandemic and having waded through the fear, the lockdown and the gradual easing of restrictions, I have learnt to wait. I have learnt to draw on God’s grace to see me through each day. I have learnt to let go of fear and start getting a few things done outside the home.
This is July! I am hopeful for the rest of the year. I am hopeful that this second half will more than compensate for the first half. I am hopeful that although we may not know how, but God will still fulfill His promises for this year. Already, I can see Him doing some new things. The lockdown itself provided times of introspection, times of reviewing what was and questioning things taken for granted.
I am not the same person that went into lockdown. A lot has happened inside me, and is still happening. I feel like God is peeling the layers off, like in an onion, and making me review each layer and scrutinize it with His eyes. It’s not all good but it’s not all bad either. It is reassuring to know that you’re in the hands of the Great Physician when you find that you are ill. It is very comforting to know that whatever the issue, He is able to care of it.
I have read about people testifying of healing in homes, in marriages, in relationships with children and much more, during the lockdown. We will get to hear many more testimonies as time goes on. Because in the midst of the crisis, God has been at work. He has not left us comfortless. He has proven faithful. When we kept our heads hidden, afraid to come out, hiding from the virus, God was there with us, keeping us in the shelter of His wings.
He will bring us out of this wilderness. He will lead us into the promised land. The day will come when we will look back at 2020 and we will marvel at what the Lord did in our lives and in the world as a whole. When that time comes, our praises will resound to Him.
In the interim, let us continue to express gratitude, praise and prayer to God, seeking and worshipping Him for the things He has done and for the things He is going to do within, in spite of and through this pandemic.
Our endurance will not be in vain. We will be strengthened by it and God’s name will be glorified through it. So let your praises arise. Let your voice be heard. Let praise arise in your heart to God, the God of all creation. When we thought it was over, He is saying “No. It’s not over until I say so.”
Keep sending up your praise. We will understand it all. One day!
“Mortals make elaborate plans, but God has the last word.” Prov.16:1 MSG
Thank you Kiks! Very comforting.
Thanks for the feedback. I’m glad.