Hang In There!
History has it that when the Titanic began to sink, the band on board played a hymn to soothe passengers. The title of the hymn was ‘Nearer my God to Thee’. As the coronavirus rages and ravages the world today, I have a hymn stirring in my soul. Unlike that hymn on the Titanic, this one speaks of hope and a definite future of survival. ‘Through the love of God our Saviour, all will be well.’ That is the hymn stirring in my mind today. Join me in singing it. Although everything looks bleak now, we believe in a better tomorrow. All will be well.
I have been having all kinds of reactions in the past few weeks. Initially, I was scared. I was very fearful. But as time has gone on, I have found rest in God and I am less fearful. Not that the fear has gone, but I am better able to focus on the truth of God’s presence and His cover and protection. And I tell myself, if I were to die in this season, let me be sure of where I am going. I want to be able to say like Paul did, whether I live or die, I am the Lord’s. (Romans 14:8-10) Once the fear of death is removed, then we can truly live and make the most of the time we have.
I consider it a blessing of God that the virus has not gained ground in Nigeria like other countries. This is because we do not have the infrastructure, personnel, medicine, and processes to cope. It would definitely be a disaster, worse than it has been and it still is in some countries. I feel for those who have lost and are losing loved ones, as they look on helplessly. No drugs, no cure! Ah! Lord God, we cry out for Your mercy.
In the midst of the lockdown, economic crises, sickness, and death, let us lift up our eyes to the only one who can save us, to the One True God. He hears us when we call. Pray for an end to this invasion. Pray for His light to come to dispel this darkness. Pray for His healing to flow through the nations. Pray that these days will not be unduly prolonged. We have to keep praying, even when we don’t feel like it. Even when we feel discouraged as we are grieving loved ones and lost jobs. Praying without ceasing. Because it is in that place of prayer that we will find comfort for the present and hope for the future. We need that hope.
Hope, in the aftermath of the virus. We can already see the beginnings of an economic crisis, which may be followed by political crises. We need to be strong. We need to be prepared for the journey ahead. We need God to help us. Like someone said, this is the time to get extra oil for the journey. You don’t want to run out of oil when you need it most. And I’m not talking about the antiChrist or rapture or even 5G. I’m just stating the obvious; that things are changing in the world now and we don’t know the extent of the changes that will come. In view of that, we need to be prepared, so we can journey well, journey victoriously, to arrive at the place where God intends for us to be.
Be encouraged. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay indoors. Keep your mind busy with positive things. Read the word. Pray. Bond with family members. Call people on the phone and encourage them. Laugh. Sing. God is on the throne. It’s not over until it’s over. Hang in there!
Hymn: Through the love of God our Saviour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFE8CCkoXa4