Let’s Start Here!
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There are some things I am learning nowadays that are profound and I feel I ought to share. They are not new things, but I realise that they are things that we easily forget. It’s like a cool glass of water on a hot day! You may have taken several drinks of water before, but when you get a really cold glass of water on a hot day, coming out of the sun, you doubly appreciate that water.
Now the Lord had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show you. So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Gen. 12:1,4 NKJV We may not all remember…
Acts 17:26-27 talks about how God created the nations from one man and decides when nations should rise and fall. He is the Ultimate King Maker and Ruler of Nations. So we have confidence that all things will work out for Nigeria at the end of the day. We believe He definitely has a plan for Nigeria and His counsel will stand and His will done exactly as He has planned it.
It is an established fact in Christianity that the enemy of our faith is the devil. He is on the opposing side. Christians are on the other side. The field is life. Each side is in the game for a purpose. Our purpose is to establish the Kingdom of God on the earth, the devil’s purpose is to prevent us and to destroy us. The rules of the game are as stated in the word of God, the Bible. The whistle was blown many years ago, when God put Adam in Eden.
Can I say that regardless of how this year turned out, we can still rejoice? Yes, we can. Because it’s not over until it’s over. Even in the dying days of this year, God can still show up for us. Even till the very last moment of the year. It is doubly reassuring that God is not limited by time, such that, even in the New Year, He can still do everything that we waited for in 2019 and did not receive. With Him, nothing is too difficult. With Him, all things are possible. All things.
When we let go of our memory of the word, when we engage in other things that divert our attention from the word, when we do this consistently for a while, we tend to drift away from the truths that we knew or used to know and find ourselves forgetting, neglecting and turning away from the things that made us.